Curso CDO – Delegação e Gestão do Tempo

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A Companhia das Obras Portugal vai promover um curso intitulado “Delegação e gestão de tempo” com o Bernhard Scholz.

Será no dia 15 de fevereiro, das 10h às 13h na UACS (R. Castilho 14, 1269-076 Lisboa).
A participação no curso terá um custo de:
– 50€/pessoa (empresa)

– 15€/pessoa (obra social)

Curso será lecionado em INGLÊS.
Breve descrição dos temas em foco no curso:
The art of delegation – Whoever holds a position of responsibility has the task of ensuring that all the people involved can contribute in the best possible way to achieving the common goal, that there is therefore effective collaboration and a positive and motivating climate. This requires a division of functions and an assignment of responsibilities that enhance the talent and commitment of each individual collaborator. In managerial terms, this attribution is called “delegation”. Anyone who tries to delegate knows very well that there is nothing automatic in this process, that it requires a high level of knowledge of one’s collaborators, a strong personal commitment to supporting the individual in his responsibility and an awareness that the risk of returning to centralization of power is always around the corner. Knowing how to seize the great opportunities of delegation with the right method and knowing how to face the inevitable risks with creativity is the theme of this course.


Time management – There is no doubt that time is one of the most precious and one of the scarcest resources we have. As soon as we try to follow a work plan with a certain fidelity, we find ourselves exposed to continuous interferences that also distracts us from the necessary concentration. Many important things succumb to an almost uninterrupted chain of urgencies and emergencies and we often arrive at an accumulation of postponements and displacements that we carry over with good intentions in the following weeks – with good intentions and little certainty. But is this continuous “running after things” really inevitable? And are we forced to surrender to the many and different ailments? And is it really impossible to prevent and predict critical situations before they reach a state of emergency? And is sharing my agenda with that of my collaborators a viable path or a closed alley? The methodologies that could answer these questions will be the main theme of the proposed course.


Bernhard Scholz nasceu na Alemanha em 1957, foi Presidente da Companhia das Obras Itália, sendo atualmente o Presidente da Associação Meeting Rimini . Licenciado em Ciências Políticas e História Moderna nas Universidades de Munster e Friburgo. Trabalhou como Jornalista e ao mesmo tempo aprofundou o seu conhecimento na área das Relações Públicas, Comunicação Interna e Cultura Organizativa da Empresa.
Desde finais dos anos 90 que é consultor, especializado na formação de Directores e Gestores de empresas multinacionais e em PMEs Italianas e Internacionais.